With Age Old Love


With age old love I have loved you,
so I have kept my mercy toward you.
With age old love I have loved you.
I love you. Again shall I restore and rebuild you.


Based on Jeremiah 31:3-4

Words and Music: Norman Agatep

Jeremiah spoke these words, reminding the Israelites that they were God's chosen people and that He had loved them even before they had known of Yahweh. He promises that he will rebuild his nation and restore his people's dignity through salvation history! These are apt words to remember as our country faces numerous trials and tribulations. But God has loved us for all eternity and has promised His Kingdom on Earth! How can we not rejoice and be glad?

This chant may be used as a meditative song during prayer sessions, as a communion hymn after a Eucharistic song, and as an adoration chant for Holy Hour, during youth assemblies.